The Mountain Press recently featured an in-depth Q&A with Fred Atchley, a Republican candidate for State Representative in District 12. In this comprehensive interview, Atchley outlines his plans for addressing critical issues such as infrastructure improvement, education funding, and public safety. With a wealth of experience in public service, Atchley is uniquely qualified to represent the interests of Sevier County. Read the full interview below to learn more about his vision and commitment to our community.
1. What made you decide to seek the office of state representative for District 12?
It has been my desire to serve in the state legislature since a very young age. My passion for being a public servant, as well as having had the opportunity to represent the people of the 5th county commission district for the last 25 years, has given me an understanding of the issues that have the largest impact on Sevier Countians. This understanding has further fueled my desire to serve.
2. What do you feel are the most pressing concerns for our communi- ty and what are your ideas to address those issues?
Roads — to obtain more funding from the State of Tennessee to improve exist- ing roads and to secure funding for new roads in Sevier County.
Schools — to obtain more funding from the State of Tennessee to fund our school system.
Public Safety — to secure more fund- ing to the local government in Sevier County to be able to fund additional emergency service personnel.
Communication — to obtain more grant dollars from the state to aid with providing broadband ser vices to the rural areas of Sevier County.
Infrastructure — more grant funding which would allow Sevier County to r un water lines in the rural areas of the county.
3. Why do you feel you are the best candidate to address the issues you find pressing in our county and state?
My experience serving the residents of the 5th county commission district has given me unique insight into the issues that directly affect our county. I am a native Sevier Countian and have dedicated my life to public service in Sevier County. My experience in law enforcement and the fire department have given me the opportunity to know our residents on a personal level. This knowledge makes me the best candidate to serve the people of Sevier County in the state legislature.
4. What is the role of state representative?
The role of state representative is to represent the interests and concerns of their constituents in their district, in this case, Sevier County. This includes listening to residents, addressing their concerns, and acting as their voice in the state legislature.
5. how will you make yourself accessible to your constituents?
If given the opportunity to serve I will have an open-door policy and I will have open communication with the constituents of the 12th House district. I will be visible in the community that I represent.
6. Do you like the current state formula used for education funding? Do you think the state should do more to fund and support education? How so?
The current state formula for education funding has improved; however, Sevier County still doesn’t receive the tax dollars back from the state that should be received for our school system. Currently, our school is funded at 33% from the state. This leaves Sevier County to fund the remaining 67%. I believe that the state should be funding our school system at a minimum of 50%. This shouldn’t be too much to ask, based on the fact that Sevier Coun- ty is the third highest tax revenue source for the State of Tennessee and receives the least amount of any other school system in the state back to fund their schools.
7. Do you support term limits for state offices?
I support term limits for federal offices. However, I feel that the local communities should have the choice to elect who they want to represent them in state and local races.
8. What is your occupation and do you have any other experience that may be of interest to voters?
I retired from the City of Sevierville Fire Department as battalion chief in 2019. Prior to that, I spent 17 years with the Sevier County Sherif f ’s Office. My combined career in public service spanned 32 years. I have been a member of the Sevier County Commission since 1998, currently serving as chairman of the budget committee and as vice-chair of the 911 board. I completed the County Officials Certificate Training Program as Certified Public Administrator through the University of Tennessee in 2019.
9. Tell voters a little about yourself, such as family, clubs and other activities.
I am married to my wife, Angela Atchley. Together, we share four children, one son-in-law and two grandchildren. My wife and I are members of the First Baptist Church of Sevierville. I am a member of the Sevierville Sunrise Rotary Club, FOP Lodge 31, Sevier County Republican Party, and a member of the NRA. I am a 2005 graduate of Leadership Tomorrow, and a 2019 graduate of Leadership Sevier.
Early voting begins July 12 and continues through July 27 at the Election Commission Office, 1145 Dolly Parton Parkway, Sevierville, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-noon Saturdays, and from July 15-July 20 at Seymour Public Library, 137 W. Macon Lane, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays. Election Day is Aug. 1.
Press inquiries:
Zach Stephens
Fred Atchley is a candidate for State Representative, District 12 which includes Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Pittman Center, Seymour, Wears Valley, and part of Sevierville.